E made a blip on da daily Hip-Hop radar...

Well today's the last day of 08' & it's been an extremely historical & memorable year to say the least!!! From last December to this one I've had my 1st child, I voted for the 1st time, had my 1st car accident, bought my 1st new car, got on my 1st international mixtape, got my 1st solo radio spins, & co-directed my 1st music video!!! That's a whole lot considering that this time last year I didn't have any connections, a job, or a solid plan to accomplish all this. Shit...I didn't even know what da hell a blog was...lol!!! 2008 has probably been the most productive year of all time as far as our rap division of De-U Records is conscerned. I did a google search on E One Letter today & a link popped up to this website called hip hop blips. He's been getting alot of attention on the internet ever since we released his video for "Go Get It Boy". Thanks to everyone who helped support De-U Records, Edu-Basics, & The Epitome Band & Show this year...your greatly appreciated!!! Oh & one last thing...to anybody who's reading this that has been impressed with De-U Records grind this year, or in past years trust me when I tell U pimpin'...U ain't seen nothin' yet!!!

- Mr. 40. Watt -

Want change? Vote 4 D.C. Hip-Hop in 2009!!!

Obama U Ol' Bama's!!!


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