De-U Records released new Edu-Basics DVD's

If you have kids or you're a teacher, & you still don't know about the educational Hip-Hop CD's then you must not get out too!!! We've managed to sell more than 100,000 Edu-Basics CD's & over 150k total De-U products since the year 2000 straight out of the trunk. We've been in The Washington Post, Business Weekly, Black Enterprise, CNBC, BET, NPR, etc...with over 100 stories on how our CD's help kids test scores & how we created, manufactured, & sold the original "Multiplication Hip-Hop". We just this week finally released the highly demanded "Multiplication Hip-Hop" & "It's Elementary" DVD versions. You can get all of De-U Records' Children's, Hip-Hop, R&B, & Gospel products at our "Edu-Basics" Kiosk in P.G. Plaza Mall. You can also get our "Edu-Basics" CD's at Border Books & Music as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I didn't know yall were local. I bought a CD in the Karibu (sp?) book store in Bowie Town Center... Yall are doing a great thing for children :)