March's Diamond in the Rough

If U live in or around da Washington, DC area den dis selection 4 March's diamond in da rough should come as no surprise 2 U at all. Chuck Brown is da true definition of what a DC diamond in da rough is. Chuck needs no introduction in my city...dey know, dey know!!! He's widely respected by & has influenced most if not all musicians, producers, & artists who hail from dis area. Da GoGo sound dat he fathered has musically been a gigantic influence on us local musicians & numerous artists in Hip-Hop nationwide ever since it was created here in DC during da mid 70's. Chuck's such a legendary musician dat they interviewed him on MTV's DC Hip-Hop week & he's not even a rapper 4 God's sake!!! Whether U're from DC or not trust & believe me when I tell U dat Chuck is dat nigga!!!(no!!!)

Chuck's website...

Chuck's history...

GoGo's history...

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